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14 Video results for: God

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  • God the Father by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 2 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Can Scripture teach us reliable truths about God, or is its human language insufficient for this task?
    • Do our beliefs about God have any practical relevance for followers of Christ?
    • Do all people have some beliefs about God that are so important that they influence nearly everything else they believe?
    • Why are human beings prone to turn away from God?
    • Do people of other religions actually worship the same God that Christians worship?
    • What are some of the common ways the doctrine of the Trinity has been misunderstood?
    • Does the Father's authority mean that he forces his will on the Son and the Holy Spirit?
    • In what ways is God similar to and different from our earthly, human fathers?
    • What are some practical applications that human fathers can draw from God's fatherhood?
    • How can we encourage Christians that have had poor fathers to view God's fatherhood in a positive light?
    • What kinds of implications does God's fatherhood have for pastoral ministry?
    • How can we be sure that God's purposes for us will actually be fulfilled?
    • How can an unchangeable God change his mind?
    • What is the ultimate goal of humanity's redemption?
    • What are the main Evangelical interpretations of the days of creation in Genesis chapter 1?
    • How can people with the same basic commitments to the authority and infallibility of Scripture read Genesis chapter 1 in such different ways?
    • What practical implications can we draw from the fact that the creation reflects God's goodness?
    • How should Christians feel about the fact that God has ultimate authority over everything?

    Lesson 2 of the course: The Apostles' Creed
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [485 MB] | Medium Resolution [438 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topics: Pastoral Ministry, Early Church, God
  • God the Father by: Multiple Instructors
    This lesson addresses the basic idea of God, looking at some general things the Bible teaches about his existence and nature. It focuses on the phrase "Father Almighty," paying attention to some distinctive qualities of the first person of the Trinity. And it explores the Father's role as the Maker, or creator, of everything that exists.
    Lesson 2 of the course: The Apostles' Creed
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution  | Video Segments
    Download: High Resolution [526 MB] | Medium Resolution [451 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topics: Pastoral Ministry, Early Church, God
  • The Articles of Faith by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 1 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Why should we pay attention to a document like the Apostles' Creed?
    • Doesn't a focus on creeds somehow challenge our commitment to Scripture as our only absolute standard of truth?
    • Why was only one creed called the Apostles' Creed?
    • Why was it important for the early church to summarize the teachings of the New Testament in a simple document like the 
Apostles' Creed?
    • Why did the early church think it was valuable to provide a
systematic way of thinking about doctrine?
    • Why should modern Christians use an ancient creed instead of writing their own?
    • Why does the creed place such a strong emphasis on the doctrine of God? What's so critical about this doctrine?
    • Does our doctrine of God really affect how we live? What practical differences do our beliefs about God actually make in our lives?
    • Where does the Bible teach the doctrine of the Trinity?
    • Why did the early church concentrate so much attention on the doctrine of the Trinity?
    • What are the logical relationships among the various systematic teachings of the creed? How do they all fit together?
    • Why does the creed only mention personal salvation after going through so many other biblical teachings?
    • How does the Apostles' Creed demonstrate that early Christians believed in the theological unity of the Scriptures?
    • How can Christians work toward the kind of doctrinal purity we find in the Apostles' Creed without sacrificing its level of doctrinal unity?

    Lesson 1 of the course: The Apostles' Creed
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [284 MB] | Medium Resolution [267 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topics: Pastoral Ministry, Early Church, God
  • God's Plan and Works by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 4 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What is divine immanence?
    • What is divine transcendence?
    • Why is it important to balance both God's transcendence and his immanence in the doctrine of God?
    • Must God's eternal plan also be immutable?
    • How can we avoid fatalism if God has an eternal plan for his world?
    • How should believers evaluate the teachings of open theology?
    • How is it possible for God to know the future?
    • How significant is the debate between differing views on the order of divine decrees?
    • What is divine foreknowledge?
    • Where do you stand on the debate over the role of God's foreknowledge in the salvation of sinners?
    • What is the value of the doctrine of God's eternal plan, counsel or decree for systematic theology?
    • Why is God's glory so pervasive in the Bible?
    • What do theologians mean by the providence of God?
    • What do theologians mean when they say that God often operates through second causes?
    • Is there any aspect of God's creation that is outside the realm of God's authority or sovereignty?
    • What power does Satan have in this world?
    • What aspects of God's extraordinary providence can we call miracles?

    Lesson 4 of the course: We Believe in God
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [609 MB] | Medium Resolution [292 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: God
  • How God Is Like Us by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 3 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Can we learn everything we need to know about God through natural theology, or do we also need special revelation?
    • How can figurative comparisons about God found in the Bible teach us about God's attributes?
    • What does Psalm 8 teach us about our value and significance before God?
    • What does it mean that we are created in God's image?
    • Is it possible to really know ourselves without some knowledge of God, and is it possible to really know God without some knowledge of ourselves?
    • Why is it sometimes difficult to infer theological propositions from Scripture, especially narrative and poetry?
    • How can theologians infer theological propositions from the narratives and poetry of Scripture?
    • How does God demonstrate his communicable attribute of love for us?
    • How should God's communicable attribute of love affect our lives?
    • How does God manifest his wisdom in creation?
    • What does the Bible mean when it says that God is holy and that we also are to be holy?
    • How should God's attribute of holiness affect our lives on a daily basis?

    Lesson 3 of the course: We Believe in God
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [563 MB] | Medium Resolution [270 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: God
  • The Diversity of the Trinity by: Multiple Instructors
    A supplement to the series We Believe in God that focuses on the personal attributes and responsibilities of the individual persons within the Trinity and considers the following questions:
    • If the Father has authority over the Son and Spirit, what happens if they disagree?
    • What does it mean when we say that the Son is eternally begotten of the Father?
    • What did John mean when he called Jesus the Son of God?
    • What encouragement can we draw from the fact that the Son of God himself is our brother?
    • What did the early church councils affirm about the eternal procession of the Holy Spirit?
    • What were the implications of the Council of Toledo for the doctrine of the Holy Spirit?
    • What practical applications can we draw from the fact that the Holy Spirit is a distinct person from the Father and the Son?
    • What is the ontological Trinity?
    • What is the economic Trinity?
    • Why is it important to distinguish between the ontological and economic Trinity?
    • Is there a gap between the economic Trinity as he reveals himself to us and the ontological Trinity?

    Lesson 3 of the course: The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [679 MB] | Medium Resolution [328 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: God
  • Introduction to the Trinity by: Multiple Instructors
    A supplement to the series We Believe in God that introduces what the Bible teaches about our triune God and considers the following questions:
    • What do Christians mean when they say that God is three persons in one essence?
    • How can we begin to understand such a complex doctrine as the Trinity?
    • What do Christians mean when they say that God is one?
    • How do theologians explain the doctrine of God's simplicity?
    • What passages in the New Testament teach us about God's three-in-oneness?
    • With respect to the Trinity, what is a person?
    • Why do some people accuse Christians of worshiping three gods?
    • Why do we believe that God's divine threeness does not violate the doctrine of God's simplicity?
    • Has God eternally existed in Trinity?
    • Was Christ a created being or has he always existed?
    • How do the Trinitarian formulas in the New Testament help us see the equality of the Holy Spirit with the other members of the Godhead?

    Lesson 1 of the course: The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [486 MB] | Medium Resolution [239 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: God
  • The Unity of the Trinity by: Multiple Instructors
    A supplement to the series We Believe in God that focuses on how all three members of the Trinity are unified in one divine essence and considers the following questions:
    • Why does the Trinity seem to be more clearly expressed in the New Testament than in the Old Testament?
    • Why do the Scriptures call God our Father?
    • What encouragement can we draw from the fact that we are part of the family of God, with God himself as our Father?
    • How do the images of a lion and a lamb in Revelation 5 demonstrate that the Son is a divine person equal to the Father?
    • How does John 1:1 teach that Jesus is God?
    • Why was it necessary for the man Jesus also to be God?
    • How can we demonstrate the divinity of the Holy Spirit from Scripture?
    • How do the works of the Holy Spirit demonstrate his divinity?
    • How can we demonstrate the personality of the Holy Spirit from Scripture?

    Lesson 2 of the course: The Biblical Doctrine of the Trinity
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [478 MB] | Medium Resolution [237 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: God
  • How God Is Different by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 2 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • Why should we distinguish between God's communicable and incommunicable attributes?
    • What do the Scriptures tell us about God's spirituality?
    • What do theologians mean by God's simplicity?
    • What is God's omniscience?
    • What do theologians mean by God's aseity or self-existence?
    • What does God's aseity, or self-existence, teach us about his independence from his creation?
    • What is God's infinity?
    • What does it mean to say that God is eternal?
    • What is God's immutability?
    • How can God be immutable if the Bible says that he sometimes changes his mind?
    • What does it mean that God is omnipresent?
    • What does omnipotence mean?
    • How do you interpret the passages of the Bible that tell us that there are some things God cannot do?
    • Where is God's love best demonstrated?

    Lesson 2 of the course: We Believe in God
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [716 MB] | Medium Resolution [348 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: God
  • What We Know About God by: Multiple Instructors
    A companion video to lesson 1 of the same series that asks the following questions:
    • What can we know about God from the Bible's portrayal of him as King?
    • How should Christians today respond to the kingship of God?
    • What are the main ways we can come to know God?
    • What does creation tell us about God?
    • What is natural theology?
    • Can human beings be saved by general revelation alone?
    • How important are the Scriptures in the life of a believer?
    • Why does Scripture sometimes describe God as mysterious?
    • What do theologians mean when they say that God is incomprehensible?

    Lesson 1 of the course: We Believe in God
    Play: High Resolution  | Medium Resolution
    Download: High Resolution [569 MB] | Medium Resolution [277 MB]
    Manuscript: Word
    Topic: God

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